Saturday, March 20, 2010


I made these cookies as a thank you for one of my friends as I thought the checkered pattern would be popular with his little son but the cookies didn't make it to his son .. he ate them himself! :) On the tray you can see the other pattern which I made as well.


I felt like making a fruit pie but I had too much pastry so I made two. One is with two kinds of grapes and the other one is with kiwi and slices of peach. I can't wait for the spring & summer season in which you get lovely summer fruits for crumbles, pies and coulis.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello readers ..

It brings me lots (and lots!!!) of joy that people are actually looking at my blog, I never thought that anybody would be interested. I'm actually writing to you all to ask for a (little, really little) favour, I would love love love to get some followers, really would love it. Not that i'm so full of myself but to put a face on the readers.

I'll shut up now but it's really only a little click to follow .. really ..

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I made an airy genoise (very light vanilla cake), layers covered with strawberry jam and whipped cream and the top layer is covered with some more jam so the marsipan would stick nicely. It's best not to put too much on the layers as you you need to push it down a bit and you don't want it squirting out. I then covered the cake with a rolled out layer of marsipan. The flower was made from marsipan and a touch of chocolate to create the middle of the flower. I made one with strawberry jam and the other one with bits of cut up pineapple, quite teasty! :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This is a combination of home made pastry, vanilla creme and slices of banana soaked in crème de banane (a banana liqueur).


this is my easy peasy apple crumble pie. It's a combination of apples, crumble and pastry. Made warm with some vanilla ice cream it can't go wrong!